School Logo

Year 6

Welcome to our Y6 class!


The teachers are Mrs Patel and Mrs Patel!

The children refer to us as Mrs Patel and Mrs P.

Welcome to our new Y6 class.  We are so glad to be back at school, ready to learn and progress academically, socially and spiritually.  

I am Mrs. Patel, the class teacher.  I love teaching, reading, cycling, swimming, going for long walks and hikes and eating desserts!

There is another Mrs. Patel who works in our class and she is awesome.  We call her Mrs P. to avoid confusion.  She makes sure the class is running smoothly for the children and myself alike.  She will also be teaching Science, Topic and Art in the afternoons. Mrs P. loves walking, cooking, reading and making sure everyone is OK!


General House-keeping.

  • Please could you make sure the children come in the correct school uniform everyday.  
  • PE is on Mondays and Fridays in Y6 and the children need to come in their PE kits with the school jumper over it.    
  • Please make sure the children bring in their own water bottles.  
  • Hand sanitisers will be in class and in the corridor so please encourage your child to use it frequently.  
  • If your child is going to be absent, please let myself know through Class DoJo or the school office.  I will be sending messages and reminders frequently through Class DoJo so please make sure you check it.  
  • If you need to contact me, please do so via Class DoJo.  

Curriculum information: Autumn 1
