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St. Augustine’s  curriculum intent for Computing is as follows:

At St. Augustine’s we use a variety of programmes such as PurpleMash, Numbots, BugClub Barefoot, ShowMe and  Imovie to inspire high quality lessons.


EYFS: We aim to follow the changes from the New early Years Framework.  We do also believe that our Early Years children do need the basic computing skills to be ready to move onto Year 1. We will fulfil this by our children having access to classroom computers and technology within continuous provision.


KS1: Our pupils have a one hour session every week. This includes an ‘unplugged’ session to think computationally. We must install the knowledge of ‘keeping safe on the internet’. Now more than ever this is important as children are on online five times more due to Covid.

 Our aim is to give the children the tools to use technology for a purpose.  Our pupils will have the skills to debug simple programs, recognise the use of technology beyond school.


KS2: As our children move into KS2 we will build on their prior knowledge.

Our pupils will investigate how to code and computational thinking; spreadsheets; internet and email; art and design; music; databases and graphing; writing and presenting; communication and networks. We will be upskilling our pupils, ready for higher education. And the new strand of ‘digital literacy.’



Computing at St Augustine’s is implemented by:

  • All year groups have a specific iPad timetabled slot, to encourage the use of purposeful programs such as PurpleMash and Barefoot  in every classroom
  • A  progression of skills is currently being rolled out to every class so teachers have a greater understanding of our Computing journey
  • EYFS to fall in line with their new Curriculum but also include or belief that EYFS children will need basic skills
  • Teachers have all new logins for in class and remote learning
  • Staff have been asked to save work on the shared drive, PurpleMash or See Saw
  • Digital Leaders to be chosen from Year 6 to help teachers, ready for when Covid bubbles are terminated
  • Teachers follow the St. Augustine’s Long Term plan.



Since adopting the school LTP, planning looks strong and purposeful. With more resources laid out easily for teachers, the lessons are more exciting. We aim to assess progress through a dual outcome: Computer skills and computational thinking. Evidence will be recorded on the shared drive, PurpleMash and See Saw.
