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Internet Safety Guide

Please follow the link below to our Safeguarding Policies which includes information about Online Safety

We live in a world where technology is at the heart of everything we do. Children are using the internet to support their learning, research and hobbies. At St Augustine’s we encourage children to explore the internet safely, and we teach them to know what to do if they do not feel safe. Please can we remind parents that Facebook requires everyone to be 13 before creating an account.
We all need to work together to ensure our children are safe online and manage risks. For more information please visit These websites can be used to teach the children about using the internet safely and responsibly:

The CyberCafé is an integral part of the Internet Proficiency Scheme developed to help teachers educate children on staying safe on the Internet. The scheme has been developed by Becta, The Child Explotation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), the Department for Children, Schools and Family (DCSF, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and Grid Learning Ltd / GridClub. The resource aims to develop a set of safe and discriminating behaviours for pupils to adopt when using the Internet and other technologies.


It is important to remember that if you allow your child internet access at home, parental supervision is recommended. Ideally, the computer screen should be in an easily viewable position in the family living area. 
