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Quality First Teaching

Our SEND learners make very good progress from their starting points and class teachers take part in a range of professional development opportunities enabling them to provide outstanding Quality First Teaching. Quality First Teaching will enable the majority of pupils to make sustained progress. 


We follow the Lancashire Toolkit for SEND and provide our children with a Graduated Approach to meeting need, Children will be given the amount of support required for them to make progress. For those children with complex needs, the school will support an application for an Education and Health Care Plan. EHCPs, as the name implies, ensures a much greater cohesion between educational, health services and social care organisations. This plan can potentially remain in place until the young person is 25 years of age, supporting the child through further education and additional alternative learning options. 


All class teachers are supported through ongoing Professional Development to meet the majority of needs through Quality First Teaching. Quality First Teaching may involve making small changes to the provision available to children at school. For example, providing a dyslexic child with a multi-sensory spelling scheme (which may be provided to the whole class), or by providing physical resources to help visual/hands-on learners in mathematics. 


Quality First Teaching includes the ability for teaching staff to identify children who may be struggling with acquiring certain skills. When this is the case, the class teacher puts an intervention in place that is designed to address these difficulties. Our interventions are generally bespoke, linking to current classwork and, while overseen by teachers or the school SENCO, they may be delivered by teachers or experienced teaching assistants. 


If interventions do not accelerate progress, it may be necessary for the child to have some form of specific, '1 to 1' work. The school may also involve other professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists in order to support and suggest programmes of support for some children or to discuss possible next steps.


If you are worried about your child's progress, please do contact their class teacher in school. 

