Physical Education
We are committed to providing all pupils with a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. It should also give children opportunities to take part in and find a passion for sports and other physical activities. Physical Education is a pivotal part of our curriculum at St Augustine’s. We support the children in being able to work alone as an individual, whilst also working collaboratively with others in order to develop their fine and gross motor skills, fundamental movement skills and their all-round physical and mental well-being. Our children will build on their knowledge, skills and understanding year on year, whilst learning new concepts as they mature through the key stages. They will become physically active when and where possible across the curriculum, to promote the importance of having a healthy body, healthy mind and the ability to learn effectively.
At St Augustine’s, in age and stage-appropriate ways, we aim to:
- enable all children to develop their physical potential through a variety of sporting activities and opportunities
- support children in being aware of the advantages of health-related exercise and how this can benefit you in later life
- Promote the importance of the link between a healthy body, healthy mind and the ability to learn effectively
- Promote a positive attitude towards competition which will include coping with winning and losing
- Give the children the opportunity for planning, performing and assessing their own work and that of others
- Improve the physical literacy of all pupil across each year group
The Design of Our Curriculum
The aims and objectives of the National Curriculum for Physical Education ensures that our curriculum is sequenced with current learning to be founded upon prior development of relevant knowledge, skills and understanding. As well as this, it has also been created to make the most of cross-curricular learning within other subject areas. The Physical Development curriculum in our Early Years setting helps to begin this process, it allows us to provide our children with the foundations they need for the National Curriculum aims in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Support by specialists from our local authority with contributions made by the relevant stakeholders, the curriculum for Physical Education has been designed to support the specific needs and interests of the children at St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School. We have a focus of developing the whole child taking a developmental approach, focusing on their knowledge, skills and understanding throughout. This is done in a variety of ways: through year group progressive Physical Education lessons we will support children’s competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities; support children in being physically active for sustained periods of time; promote the importance of swimming and water safety; engage in sports and activities through inter and intra school competitions; organised extra-curricular clubs contributed to by pupil voice; sports day celebrations; sport specific weeks influenced by global events (Olympics, football world cup etc); visitors to help raise the profile of Physical Education and imparting the importance to the children of leading a physically active lifestyle in the future.
Teachers will also refer to progression documents to show the progression of skills and knowledge across a range of different activity areas.
Here at St Augustine’s we aim to provide a wide variety of enrichment activities, for as many children as possible throughout the school year. We aim to listen to our children in pupil voice and offer them a broad range of experiences in school. The clubs are led by members of staff and specialised sports coaches offering before and after-school provision.
Curriculum Coverage, Review and Assessment
We review our curriculum annually. Any necessary areas identified through monitoring will be focused on as areas of development throughout the year. We have a whole-school curriculum map in place (Year A and Year B) which offers substantial coverage of Physical Education across the whole school. With relevant input from our local authority specialists, a bespoke Physical Education long term plan is now in place for all year groups from EYFS through to Year 6 offering a progressive developmental approach. The curriculum has been designed to contain content that has been identified as most useful and ensure that this content is taught in a logical progression, systematically and explicitly enough for all pupils to acquire the intended knowledge and skills. Our long-term plan takes a developmental approach offering an appropriate balance of physical activity content from Early Years to Year 6 (e.g. games, gymnastics, dance, striking/fielding, net/wall, target & creative games, OAA in KS1 and KS2 and swimming and water safety in KS2).
In Physical Education we assess the children at various points throughout the year, summative and formative assessment being key. Our children are assessed at the end of each curriculum unit. Teachers place pupils at bronze, silver or gold expected level of attainment. The subject leader, assessment lead and SLT can analyse the data at any point throughout the academic year. With any other subject, time is given in SLT meetings, staff meetings and governors meetings to discuss progress of children in PE. All relevant data can be passed up during transition and the teachers report to parents about their children’s attainment in Physical Education.
Physical Education for All
All children here at St. Augustine’s will be included in all Physical Education lessons. Reflecting our mission statement children will be encourage to ‘shine’ regardless of their background and/or ability. The curriculum for Physical Education provides challenge for all groups of children, such as SEND, more able, pupil premium or EAL. Lessons will be planned to use differentiated tasks to enable all children to reach their full potential, with differentiated use of equipment and appropriate levels of support. All pupils should have the opportunity to participate in all Physical Education activities, appropriate for their age and ability.
Subject Knowledge and the Monitoring Cycle
At St Augustine's our intention is that both the teaching staff and the subject leader have the knowledge and skills to effectively support the delivery of our Physical Education curriculum across school. At any point should this not be the case, the relevant CPD will be put in place to support staff, this could include sharing of best practice amongst teachers, support from the subject leader, attending relevant courses or support from specialised agencies. The subject leader also carries out an annual audit of Physical Education, as well as on-going monitoring throughout the academic year. This audit helps to identify any areas for development which may present themselves, making it easier to support teaching staff if needed. Throughout the year, resources and equipment are also audited, ensuring that the necessary health and safety checks are completed This enables the children to have access to high-quality equipment so that they can work practically therefore developing as physically active learners. Throughout the academic year, specific time is given during Governors' meetings, SLT meetings and staff meetings in order to, amongst other things, present situation reports, discuss data and evidence, share best practise and provide CPD training accordingly. The subject leader also monitors annually in a wide range of ways, including walk throughs, planning looks, lesson observations, also taking into account pupil voice.
Planning and Progression
As subject leader, all planning is clear and progressive outlining the knowledge, skills and understanding expected for each objective in EYFS and those in both Key Stage One and Two.
Our end point focus is the National Curriculum and end of key stage statements. Here at St Augustine's we have adapted a developmental approach in Physical Education starting from EYFS to Year 6.
Early Years – the intention of the Foundation Stage is to focus on developing gross and fine motor skills. We will focus on a 5 Fundamental Skills resource developed by our Lancashire Primary PE partners. These 5 skills along with opportunities to develop a wider range of physical skills will ensure that they are ready for PE at KS1.
During Key Stage 1 – Our intent for KS1 is to continue the development of the children’s fine and gross motor skills, creating a baseline assessment of the 10 Fundamental Movement Skills. From there, we focus on the weaker skills and teach the children HOW to apply these skills in a context, developing their knowledge of tactics in game type activities, whilst creating sequences in gymnastics and dance type activities. This will be delivered and assessed through the relevant Core Tasks.
End of Key Stage 1 – By the end of Key Stage 1 we intend to test the 10 Fundamental Movement Skills again, this will clearly show the impact and progression of the skills mastered throughout KS1. This should form part of the discussion in Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 transition meetings.
Lower Key Stage 2 – In Years 3 and 4 we intend for the children to focus on being able to develop their attacking skills through a range of different invasive sports and activities. This will be delivered through uneven sides. They will begin to develop their knowledge of attacking tactics, which can then be transferred right across the curriculum. Within dance and gymnastics, we intend for the children to also develop their sequencing and performance skills. All the skills will be delivered and assessed through the relevant Core Tasks closely linked to their age expectations.
Upper Key Stage 2 - In Years 5 and 6 our intention is for the children to continue to develop their attacking skills whilst working as a team also developing their knowledge of defending strategies. They will take part in modified mini games leading from uneven sides to more even sides thus supporting them in being able to attend relevant inter and intra school competitions. Within dance and gymnastics, we intend for the children to develop their performance skills composing longer sequences of movement with a partner and a group. All the skills will be delivered and assessed through the relevant Core Tasks again linked to their age expectations.
In order to achieve all of the above P.E. is largely taught as a separate subject except for when there are strong links to topics taught throughout the year. However, P.E. can contribute effectively to the teaching of other lessons. In English, it encourages children to describe what they have done and to discuss how they might improve their performance. In Computing, devices can be used to support PE teaching when appropriate. Children may even make video recordings of their performance, and use these to evaluate and develop their movements and actions. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development can also be included as part of PE teaching offering opportunities to support their social development. This is clearly shown in the way we expect them to work with each other in lessons. Groupings allow children to work collaboratively and enable pupils the opportunity to discuss their ideas and performance.
Throughout the school P.E is taught twice a week and is allocated 1 hour 40 minutes per week. P.E is taught to whole classes in either the Infant or Junior school hall, Infant or Junior school playgrounds or school field. Dance and gymnastics are conducted indoors. Games, Athletics and Outdoor & Adventurous Activities (O.A.A.) are conducted both inside and out, according to the nature of the lesson. Each class teacher evaluates the most appropriate place for instruction to best suit the task and pupils.
In Year 5 the pupils attend swimming lessons. They are taught by registered swimming instructors and assisted by the teachers.
In Year 6 pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a residential outdoor activity course, registered to a Lancashire Outdoor Education Centre. Permission will be sought from the school’s governing body before each residential course.
Additional funding - We allocate the additional P.E. funding in order to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. The subject leader prepares an annual report detailing the use and impact of this money.
Special Educational Needs - Provision for pupils with needs in P.E. is supported throughout the school with schemes that assist in improving the core abilities of balance, co-ordination and strength. These are conducted outside of the P.E. lesson in daily sessions run by trained members of staff.
Non Participants - As far as possible all children will be expected to participate in all activities. A note from parent/guardians stating a specific illness is expected if a child is not to participate. It may be appropriate to speak to parents or request a note from the doctor after a series of notes are received from parents. In the event of
non-participation a policy of constructive involvement exists. Non participants should play as active a part as possible, this could include e.g. scoring, time keeping or evaluating performances.
Extra-curricular activities - In addition to the broad and balanced P.E. programme provided within curriculum time the school offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities to extend and enhance the P.E curriculum. This is delivered by teaching staff, support staff and qualified coaches. The P.E. subject leader and head teacher monitors all provision to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils.
Competitions - The school competes against other schools in the local area whenever possible. Teams chosen to represent the school are picked to reflect the children’s commitment and involvement as well as their ability. Parents are encouraged to help with transport for their own children to and from competitions. However, because of insurance and child protection issues, they are not allowed to transport other pupils.
Resources - Most of the resources are stored within the various P.E. cupboards in each department. It is the responsibility of individual teachers to ensure that the appropriate resources for each lesson are at hand and that they are returned to the cupboards promptly and tidily. Stock checks are made regularly throughout the year so that resources are always available for high standard lessons.
Planning, teaching and assessing
Physical Education lessons should be separated into eight main areas:
Planning should be taken from the Lancashire Scheme of Work, which can be taken from the school Long Term Plan through the PE Passport App. This helps to provide teachers with a consistent approach across the school.
Warm up
This can be game based, movement and stretching with or without equipment.
Modelling Skills
Correct skills taught with correct progression (see Lancashire PE SOW Progression Document 2020)
Consolidating skills in smaller group games and activities.
Differentiation – STEP
- Space to work in
- Task difficulty
- Equipment used
- People used to support the learning
During the lesson, teachers and pupils stop to evaluate each other giving ideas to improve. Teachers should only progress children onto more difficult activities when they show the ability to do so in any sport or activity.
Cool Down
An activity to slow down the heart rate.
Assessing children’s standards – Using the Sport’s Progression, teachers will assess the standards (best fit) of the children. This will be assessed as being bronze, silver or gold in a particular area.
Health, Safety and hygiene
The following must be noted in order to meet Health, Safety and Hygiene requirements:
- All teachers are to work to the BAALPE ‘Safe Practice in PE’ guidelines which are available to all staff in the Headteacher’s office or P.E. coordinators room
- Teachers should teach to their own expertise and competence and if they are uncomfortable leading an activity to seek advice from the P.E coordinator as more training may be needed
- Teachers must show children how to use equipment safely. Mats should not be used as safety devices. If children are deemed unable to perform on apparatus, they should not be on it and should do more floor activities
Duty of Care
- All staff leading a sporting activity have a duty of care
- LAs, Governors or trusts remain liable for any neglect act relating to their services and programmes, including where they are contracted out to a third party (residential, swimming and coaching) so the head teacher and staff should always monitor and manage their competence and report any concerns
- The Head Teacher along with the P.E. coordinator should show that they have undertaken a competence assessment for any HLTA or new/supply teachers leading sports or physical activities as they will be asked if they have done this if any accident/incident occur. If a TA is responsible for taking an activity, they should work alongside the teacher in a joint arrangement and if assessed competent, they may work alone ‘at a distance’ from the teacher, who remains legally responsible for the students in care
- Ensure that there is adequate supervision and that discipline is good in all P.E. lessons
- Pupils should be taught to understand the need for safe practice in Physical Education and how to achieve this.
Assessing Risks
- Risk assessments need to be undertaken on halls, fields and playground for safe use each year or when there are major changes
- Teachers should risk assess any technical skills in swimming, gymnastics or other sports/activities that they haven’t been trained for and make a knowledgeable judgement if it is safe to do. If they feel uncomfortable, inform the Head Teacher or Subject Leader
- Any member of staff leading a PE or sporting activity should manage risk within the activities. They should be able to foresee the dangers and minimise the risk
Changing provisions should be checked for safety and security (blinds down on windows).Workspace is visually checked to ensure it is sufficient in size for the activity and there are no dangerous obstacles.
Coaches and outside agencies
- All Safer recruitment procedures must be followed. (DBS and original certificates checked). All coaches must demonstrate a level 2 coaching in one area for them to be able to coach in school. If they have no level 2 certificates, then they haven’t got the correct qualifications to upskill teachers. Coaches can only deliver effective PE areas that they have level 1 and 2 certificates in. Detailed records should be kept by the school identifying activities that each coach is permitted to teach.
- Coaches must be provided with details of children’s needs (medical and behavioural) including the classes sporting ability before they start coaching. This enables the coach to have a good understanding of the group.
- Coaches should not be used to replace teachers in curriculum time – Teachers are expected to be present and involved in the activities and taking this time to upskill.
- When taking a class swimming, teachers and pupils are all made fully aware of the emergency action plans of the swimming pool.
Clothing and Footwear
- Children to attend school in their PE kit on their day of PE.
- If children have no P.E. kit, they must still participate in the lesson in some form (referees, time-keepers, helpers)
- All jewellery has to be taken off unless in special cases (if earrings cannot be taken off, children can take part if they are securely covered front and back)
- Staff must wear suitable footwear and clothing for activities.
- Student clothing must be appropriate to the activity and weather conditions ( tracksuit bottoms and hoody may be added if the weather is inclement)
- Student footwear must be appropriate to the activity and work surface, providing traction (any implications of mixed footwear are considered). If pumps are slipping in the hall, trainers that don’t leave marks can be used
- For any P.E. lesson that involves bare feet (gymnastics), children must have access to footwear in case an evacuation is needed. Pumps must be put in an area that children have easy and quick access to (not in a big pile)
- For swimming pupils change into trunks or one-piece swimming costumes. All pupils wear a swimming cap. The school follows Lancashire guidelines on the wearing of goggles during swimming lessons.
Other Points
- Equipment practicalities are considered, including storage, accessibility, conditions, carrying and fit for purpose.
- Students on teaching practice are not additional members of staff, but are in training. The responsibility for the pupils’ safety remains with the class teacher at all times and they must be present during all the activities.
- Any concerns about anything P.E or sporting activities that can be deemed as unsafe should be shared with the PE Subject Leader or head teacher. Concerns must be logged and reviewed. If action is needed, this should be logged alongside the concern.
At St Augustine’s our Physical Education curriculum is high quality, well thought out and has been planned to ensure progression across Key Stages including year groups too. We follow a developmental approach, focusing on knowledge, skills and understanding. We aim to support our children in developing a love for Physical Education and physical activity as they mature as learners and eventually progress onto their chosen High School.
The progression within our Physical Education curriculum is clearly evident right across school, from individual lessons, units of work, year group learning and Key Stages too. The progress our children make from developing their fine & gross motor skills and mastering their Fundamental Movement Skills in Early Years and Key Stage 1, to applying them in the context of applying attacking and defending tactics, being able to compose and perform sequences of movements within dance and gymnastics at the end of Key Stage 2 is all about us preparing them and shaping their young minds to lead a healthy, active life in the future. As well as this, the children will learn how to work solely as a creative individual but also demonstrate the importance of being able to work within a team solving possible problems and showing resilience to overcome different situations.
Physical Education is a unique subject when evidencing what the children produce. Our children are encouraged to work and perform to the best of their ability where we use different strategies to evidence their learning through video and imagery. Verbal feedback is given to the children throughout all lessons in order to shape a positive outcome.
The children’s outcomes are assessed in line with the National Curriculum descriptors, these descriptors are end points for each key stage. Here at St. Augustine’s our developmental approach to Physical Education allows for the children to make steps of progression within each group for these descriptors to be achieved at the end of a Key Stage. The subject leader analyses the data, this data is used to celebrate success and provide feedback for development going forward supporting our children to flourish in Physical Education. Monitoring is completed regularly by the subject leader, as a staff and externally as a cluster with fellow subject leaders.