School Uniform
The wearing of the school uniform is important and contributes to creating an effective working atmosphere, ethos and tradition of the school.
Pride in appearance and cleanliness is encouraged at all times.
- Red Jumper/ Cardigan (Available from Smart Uniforms Ltd, Top One Uniforms and Bang Bang)
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress with grey tights or grey/ white socks
- Grey trousers with grey/ black socks
- White shirt/Polo shirt
- Sensible black school shoes
- Wellingtons (can be kept at school for outdoor play)
- Red Jumper/ Cardigan (Available from Smart Uniforms Ltd, Top One Uniforms and Bang Bang)
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress with grey tights or grey/ white socks
- Grey trousers with grey/ black socks
- White shirt/polo shirt
- Summer red and white check dress with white socks
- Sensible black school shoes
- Wellingtons (can be kept at school for outdoor play)
In Foundation Class we ask that wellington boots are part of the uniform as they will be used every day. Please ensure they are named and please put them in a bag.
P.E. kit
All children must have a P.E. kit.
- Plain Red T-shirt (No logos)
- Plain Black shorts/ tracksuit pants/ leggings (No logos)
- Black Trainers (please check these regularly. As you know, little feet grow quickly!)
- Sweatshirt, tracksuit bottoms and trainers are useful for outdoor P.E. lessons
Please name all items of uniform.
Pupils may wear earrings but they must be of small stud type – no hoops or other fashion earrings.
Long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories should be of school colour (red/white/black/grey) and not excessive.
Make up or nail varnish or false nails are not permitted at any time.
If children are wearing false nails, they will not be allowed to take part in any physical activity during the day - PE lessons or break times - due to the danger of the nail being torn off.
Watches may be worn but the children should be made aware that they are worn entirely at their own risk. They should be removed for PE and games and are the responsibility of the particular child.
All jewellery must be removed by the child and not the teacher before P.E./ games lessons.
Staff members cannot remove your child’s earrings.
Water bottles: we encourage children to bring a bottle of plain water so that they have access to water throughout the day. If you send your child with a water bottle, please ensure you put their name on it.
Reading bags: All children receive their first reading bag free of charge when they join St Augustine’s. We ask that your child brings their reading bag to school every day. We often send information home in reading bags so ensure you check and empty them regularly. Please do not allow your child to deface their reading bag as it is part of our school uniform and we expect it to be clean and well looked after; if it does meet this standard we request that you purchase a new one. New reading bags can be purchased from the school office.
The school sweatshirt and cardigan can be purchased from:
Top One Uniforms, 39 St John’s Centre, Preston, PR1 1FB
Smart Uniforms Ltd, 54 Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 1DD
Bang Bang, 91 Lancaster Road, Preston, PR1 2QJ
Other items of uniform can be purchased from retailers such as Sainsburys, Asda and Marks & Spencer.
Second hand uniform is regularly donated to the school via parents and ex pupils and is available upon request. Please speak to the Family Support Worker, Lynn, or the School Office.
School periodically runs second hand uniform events where parents are invited into school to take donated clothing.
Families experiencing financial difficulty are also welcome to speak to the Family Support Worker who may be able to assist in issuing uniform vouchers.