At the end of their learning journey at St. Augustine’s we would expect children to have developed a greater understanding and respect for a diverse range of music genres, as well as having built their individual confidence within areas of music including, knowledge of musical terms, understanding of music history, performance, and individual musical identity.
By the end of EYFS we would expect our children to be able to listen and respond to different styles of music; learn to sing, or sing along with, nursery rhymes and action song; keeping a beat, through clapping and classroom instruments; share and perform the learning music that has taken place.
By the end of KS1 we would expect our children to be able to have developed their understanding of pitch, pulse and rhythm in various styles of music; to have played along to the pulse of songs using notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B; and to develop their music improvisation skills in response to musical tracks.
By the end of LKS2 we would expect our children to be able to use their improvisation skills to listen to tracks and play back an ‘answer’ using selected notes on the octave; to have developed their music terminology, play and perform as a solo and in ensemble using increasing control within their voices and/or musical performance.
By the end of UKS2 we would expect our children to be able to listen to music with increased attention to detail, recalling sounds with increasing aural memory; use and understand some musical notation; have a developed understanding of the history of music.
Music is taught, in every class, on a weekly basis. It is taught in collaboration with classteachers and the school's music specialist teacher (Mr Cobb) who works a full day a week. Mr Cobb's is timetabled to work with every class in school throughout the year as well as leading singing practices, carrying out instrument lessons and running a Junior choir.
It is primarily taught through the Charanga music scheme in class, with delivery centring around shows for audience in Autumn 2 for R/KS1 and KS2 (separately), Easter Reflection (separate to class lessons) in Sp2 and the Year 6 end of year play in Su2. To accommodate the use of instruments used in school, classes will use either block or percussion and rotate each half term.
Staff have been given music vocabulary notes in order to ensure the correct delivery during their teaching. The ensemble performances are directed by the SL for music (R/KS1) and the music specialist (KS2). The Music SL will observe a section of a music lesson, in each class, per term (half term if possible), to ensure the staff delivering are secure in their music knowledge and that the LTP is being followed in order to ensure progression in music skills being taught.
Access to the music curriculum continued during lockdown through remote learning, via the Yumu content on Charanga. This was set and monitored by the class teachers and carried out by each child in their own homes, or delivered by TAs in class for the Key Worker children. This ensured that children could continue their music progression at the correct level when school opened up fully again.
Seesaw has been introduced to the school, which will particularly help art and performance subjects. Music will be recorded and uploaded onto the music file, so the SL can monitor it more closely and regularly.