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Parental Concerns and Complaints

We would like to work with everyone to ensure that good, positive communication takes place between all members of the school community. The school work to maintain an ‘open door’ policy and aim to be approachable. We constantly want to improve as a school and feedback is a very important way of achieving this aim.


It is inevitable that negatives will happen. Any concerns should be raised with the appropriate member of staff - usually the class teacher. In most cases by speaking to the school concerns are alleviated or can be addressed. It is unfair to everyone not to raise concerns with the school. Unfair to the person/child with the concern because they do not have their problem resolved; unfair to others who hear the gossip because it undermines their confidence in the school and unfair to the school because we do not have the opportunity to address any problems or concerns.


Whilst we understand that you may wish to discuss issues with family and friends we would ask that you do so privately. Complaints aired in the playground or on social media can foster a negative atmosphere and we want our school to be a positive place for our children to be.


At St Augustine's we are committed to dealing with your concerns as quickly as possible, in an impartial and non-adversarial way.  We will make sure that all concerns are considered and that a fair investigation is undertaken when necessary.  We will keep you informed of the progress of your concern, maintaining confidentiality at all times.

Please follow the link below for our Parental Policies
