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School Day

Our school day is as follows:


Our breakfast club operates from 8:00 am (£1.50 per session) or 8:20 am (£1.00 per session) doors close at 8:45am.


8:45am - 8:55am School doors are open and the children can go straight into class.

8.55am – doors close. If you arrive after this time please go via the school office.

During the morning the children are timetabled for a 20 minute break.

Assemblies are timetable at various times throughout the week and differ between the Key Stages.

Lunchtime runs from 11:45 - 1:15. The Infant classes are timetabled for an hour and the Juniors for 45 minutes. 

3:15pm – School ends (Infant classes are still being released at 3:10pm- Please inform the school if there is a change in the person picking your child up at the end of the day.)

Our total weekly school hours are 32.5 - in line with Government expectation.
