Who's Who
If you wish to contact us please ring the school on 01772 253851 or email office@st-augustines-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr J Entwistle (Performance Management, Designated Senior Lead for Child Protection, Monitoring Lead, Educational Visits Co-ordinator)
Assistant Head: Mrs E Goulding (Pastoral Lead, Maths, PSHE, Pupil Voice, Attendance, Student Placement Co-ordinator, DSL)
Assistant Head: Mrs L Walsh (Assessment Leader, Curriculum Lead, Pupil Premium Leader, Staff Development, RE, Support Staff Appraisal Lead, DSL)
SENDCo: Mrs S Bennett
School Business Manager: Mrs L Fishwick
Blossom Class team
Teacher: Mrs C Thompson (Early Years Lead, Music Lead)
Support staff: Mr J Silwanowicz, Miss Z Ahmed/Mrs P Patel
Willow Class team
Teacher: Mrs C Cremona (Computing Lead)
Support staff: Mrs T Ingham/Mrs Z Badat
Sycamore Class team
Teacher: Ms L Benson (Early Reading Lead, Art Lead)
Support staff: Mrs E Kochanowska & Mrs J Bennion
Beech Class team
Teacher: Mrs L Walsh (Curriculum R.E. Lead) & Mrs S Lysiak
Support staff: Mrs L Hull
Year 3 team
Teacher: Miss Z Brierley (PE Lead, Science Lead)
Support staff: Mr A Whittle
Year 3/4 team
Teachers: Miss N Johnrose (History Lead, M.F.L. Lead)
Support staff: Mrs K Lenoir
Year 4/5 team
Teacher: Mr A Hicks (Geography Lead)/Miss Z Khan
Support staff: Mrs S Williamson & Mrs M Chohan
Year 5/6 team
Teacher: Mrs E Goulding (Maths/PSHE Lead)
Support staff: Mrs C Fletcher/Mr P Floodgate
Year 6 team
Teacher: Mrs R Patel (English Lead, DT Lead)
Support staff: Mrs F Patel
Acorn Provision Team
Mrs S Bennett (SENDCo & Inclusion Lead)
Mrs R Bargit (SEND Assistant)
Mrs P Patel/Miss Z Ahmed
Learning Support Team
Mr K Evans (PE Coach and Class Support)
Mr P Cobb (Music Teacher - Wednesdays)
Pastoral Team
Mrs Lynn Catterall (Family Support and Inclusion Worker)
Mrs G Finley-Cookson (Pastoral Assistant)
Miss L Richards (Pastoral Assistant)
Mrs K Charnley (Chaplain - Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Welfare Team
Mrs J Alli
Mrs B Baran
Mrs A Chorzewska
Mrs R Esmail
Mrs S Namazi
Mrs A Patel
Mrs S Vaez
Mrs C Worden
Premises Team
Mr C Holden (Site Supervisor)
Mrs A Chorzewska
Mrs S Pajak
School Administrator Team
Mrs L Fishwick (School Business Manager)
Mrs R Patel
Miss R O'Boyle