We aim that the children at St Augustine’s develop a curiosity about the world around them and a desire to learn more about it. As the children grow and mature, so will the topics become wider and further from their own small part of the world.
Topics cover local, national and world geography in KS1 and 2 to ensure even coverage. Key skills will be carefully monitored for their coverage also and gaps will be addressed as required.
Children will learn ‘key facts’ in each unit from EYFS to Y6 and these will be discussed in pupil ‘interviews’ periodically.
The rolling program will ensure that all year groups cover the required skills and knowledge with no gaps.
Lesson planning must ensure that all children are stimulated to achieve as much as possible in geography.
What it looks like in school:
- Geography is taught for an hour and a half to 2 hours per week each half term in KS1 and 2. In EYFS the ‘subject ’will be covered as part of ‘Understanding the World’.
- Year groups working on the same topics, plan together and share resources, ensuring that geography lessons are taught at different times.
- A sequence of lessons is planned by teachers ensuring coverage of key skills and knowledge and that learning is built on lesson by lesson.
- Each unit has a bank of vocabulary that children are expected to hear/use/understand during the unit.
- Teachers will make use of field trips locally or further afield in order to enrich their experiences.
- TA’s support the teachers in delivering quality learning experiences and will also deliver the lessons in some circumstances.
Due to recent meetings, staff are fully involved in the development of the improved LTP and Key Skills and have begun integrating these into lesson planning.
The Subject Leader will conduct regular book reviews, pupil ‘interviews’ and ensure planning covers the school’s needs. Staff will assess to the key knowledge and record these results.
Geography, as a subject, had reduced coverage during lockdown but the school is addressing this with the current improvements in planning and delivery.