Homework in Year 3…
This year, homework will be given in the form of four activities:
1. A sheet of homework which will include English and Maths activities. This will be given on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. It will include questions from the previous week, the current week and the following week.
**Please note, the following activities are on-going**
2. Reading - reading books will be given to the children from school. Please sign your child's reading record when you have listened to them read. Reading books will be changed weekly throughout the week when necessary.
3. Spellings - via Ed Shed. The children have weekly spelling lists to learn that are linked to the expected vocabulary of a Year 3 child. They can play a variety of games that help the children to learn the sequence the letters appear in the word. You can access the Ed Shed website by clicking here.
4. Times table practise - via TT RockStars. Children have the opportunity to play and learn their times tables at the same time. It's a great website that support the children in having a rapid recall of their times tables. You can access the TT RockStars website by clicking here.
Each week certificates will be awarded for the above areas.
Please use the following link below to access the websites we subscribe to as a school.