Welcome to Sycamore class😊
Our teaching team is Ms Benson and Mrs Williamson.
Important dates for the Autumn 1 term 2024:-
School starts: 3rd September.
Phonics workshop for parents - 10th September 2pm and 3:30pm
School photos - 10th September.
Class photos - 16th September.
Meet the teacher - 17th September 3:30.
Beginning of year Mass - 25th September.
Close for half term - 18th October.
Back to school - 29th October.
Class Dojo
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to class dojo. It is the quickest way to contact us directly with any questions or concerns you may have.
PE Kit Reminder
Please remember that all children need to come to school in their PE kit every Tuesday and Friday. The PE uniform is a plain red t-shirt, plain black short and trainers. Please could you make sure that they are wearing plain black tracksuit pants in the colder, wetter weather. Earrings must be removed before they come to school on these day.
Water Bottles
Please could all children bring a water bottle to school every day. Water only please.
School Uniform
Please remember that all children should wear school uniform for the duration of the school day. Children are permitted to wear boots for outdoor use but should have black school shoes in school to change into. All uniform must be labelled.
Homework will be set on Friday and given to the children in their homework folder. Please return the homework by Friday the next week. Completed homework will be rewarded with Dojo points and 4 homework champions will be awarded prizes.
Each week your child will come home with 2 reading books.
One book will link with the phonics being taught in class and the books set on-line through our scheme Bug Club. Your child should be able to read this independently as it is phonetically decodable. This book will have the green bug on the back
The other book will be a ‘Read with me’ book as indicated on the sticker on the front. Your child may not be able to read all the words independently and therefore this book is to be read together. This gives your child an opportunity to be supported with any vocabulary that they cannot read, promotes the joy of reading in a positive way and encourages your child to read different books. You could read one page and they read the next.
Once your child has read both books, please sign their reading record and add any comments you wish to make.