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Class Information

Year 3 Class Information

First of all, I’d like to welcome you to Year 3! This year, your child will be taught by myself, Miss Brierley and supported in class by Mr Whittle and Mrs Fletcher. Please read the following information below.


Class Dojo & Contact Information
Can you please ensure that you are signed up to Class Dojo and keep yourself active on the app. It is a great way of getting in touch and sharing messages; especially if you, or I, or one of the team, are not about at the beginning or end of the school day. Please message with any queries or worries and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.


School Uniform
Please remember that all children should wear the correct school uniform for the duration of the school day unless it is a PE day, your child should wear their PE for the day. 


Homework will complement past, present and future learning completed in class which will cover a range of activities. Homework will be given on a Friday to then be handed in the following Thursday. Please encourage your child to always present their work to a very high standard.  If you require any further assistance with the completion of the tasks, please do not hesitate to speak to me. Homework helps independent learning and consolidates work completed in class, it also gives you an insight into what we’re learning about in class too.


Home readers
It’s important you encourage your child to read to you daily and complete their reading record too. I do appreciate that as reading skills improve, your child may be bringing home books with several chapters. Books cannot be changed unless you have signed their record to say that your child has read to you and finished the book. 


Spellings will be given on a Monday with a test the following Monday, the spellings that your child receives will cover a rule or focus that we will be looking at in class that week. 


Water Bottles
Please could all children bring a water bottle to school for their own personal use during the day so they can stay hydrated.


Physical Education
Our PE days are subject to change each half term. Please check class dojo or read our half termly class newsletter to find out when our PE days are. In addition to this, please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on those days.


Please could children remove jewellery prior to PE lessons. Staff are unable to remove earrings for children. This will impact your childs level of participation. 


Should you have any concerns about your child whilst they are in Year 3, please do not hesitate to come and speak to me or to arrange an appointment to discuss any issues.


Miss Brierley smiley
