School Logo

Year 5 & 6

Welcome to Year 5/6.

Our teachers are:

Mrs Goulding, Mrs Ingham and Miss Patel.

Class Do Jo

Many thanks to those of you who have already signed up to Class Do Jo.


It is a great way of getting in touch and sharing messages; especially if you, or I, or one of the team, are not about at the beginning or end of the school day.


Please message with any queries or worries and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. 

General Information 


Water Bottles

Please could all children bring a water bottle to school for their own personal use during the day.



Please could children remove jewellery prior to PE lessons. Staff are unable to remove earrings for children. Children can cover with plasters if they are able to do so independently.


School Uniform

Please remember that all children should wear school uniform for the duration of the school day. Children are permitted to wear boots or trainers for outdoor use but should have black school shoes in school to change into.




All homework is set on a Friday, due in the following Friday.


Dear Parents,
Homework is given in the form of four activities:


1. Reading - books via the library - please complete the reading journal.  


2. Spellings - via Ed Shed. The children have weekly spelling lists to learn that are linked to the expected vocabulary of a Y5 and Y6 child. They can play a variety of games that help the children to learn the sequence the letters appear in the word. 



3. Times table practice - via TT Rockstars.

Children have challenge games, depending on their level, so they can improve the rapid recall of number facts relating to multiplication and division. 

Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (


4. In addition, there is revision homework that summarises topics in English and Maths. This is given in paper format and should be kept with their pink reading journal. 


Each week certificates will be awarded for the 3 areas of homework: reading, TT Rockstars, and Ed shed. 

Website Games
