Autumn Term 2024
Topic Overview
RE Overview
Autumn 1 - Creation and Covenant
During the Creation and Covenant unit, the children will learn that God created our beautiful word and everything in it, including us! They will learn that God loves us and we are part of a family. Across this half term, the children will explore our role in taking care of God’s creation and treating each other in a caring way.
They will also learn about ways of talking to God through prayer. This will include learning the words and actions of the sign of the cross: ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.’
Help At Home
- Read the story of creation together from a child’s version of the Bible.
- Say a prayer to God to give thanks for all the wonderful things that He has created.
- Think of ways that you, as a family, can look after Creation.
Autumn 2 - Prophecy and Promise
During the Prophecy and Promise unit, the children will explore the scripture stories of The Annunciation, The Nativity and the shepherds visiting the manger. They will learn that Mary was chosen by God to give birth to his Son, and that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in a stable, and was laid in a manger. They will also learn that the shepherds were told by angels to visit Jesus, so they hurried to meet him.
Alongside this, the children will learn that Advent is a time to get ready for Christmas. They will explore the tradition of the Christmas crib and nativity celebrations, to tell the story of Jesus’ birth. They will learn about the Advent wreath and it’s symbolism.
Help At Home
- Read the Nativity story together from a child’s version of the Bible.
- Listen to some Advent hymns.